Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How To Use Muscle Confusion Workouts Effectively For Fat Loss And Muscle Gain

The best way to use muscle confusion workouts effectively if you want to burn fat and gain muscle is by using the following steps:

* Change the weight of each exercise with each workout: I am not saying you have to double the weight but simply adding 5 pounds will work wonders.
* Use a new piece of equipment: It is always fun to try a new piece of equipment you have never used. Try barbells, dumbells, or smith machines, nautilus, well you get the picture. Every few workouts use a different piece of equipment.
* Switch up the order of your exercises: if you like to start with triceps pulldowns first then next time put it in the middle of your workout or at the end. Experiment with the order of your exercises.

Change your workouts every 2-3 weeks by making these small adjustments and your plateaus will disappear. If you want to see results apply these steps for muscle confusion and your workouts will find that this is the fastest way to burn fat.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Get Bigger Biceps With These Easy Exercises

If you have been looking for the best biceps exercises here they are:
1. Standing EZ Bar Curls: Grab an EZ bar and hold it with both hands using a palm up grip. Begin with your arms relaxed and extended down. I recommend a shoulder width grip rather than a narrow grip. Bring the arms up slowly and down slowly.
2. Incline Bench Dumbbell Curls: Sit on an incline bench slightly angled from an upright position. Grab a pair of dumbbells and let your arms hang straight down. Perform a biceps curl either one at a time or with both arms at the same time. Squeeze the muscle at the top and lower the weight slowly.
3. Concentration Curls: This exercise is done using one dumbbell at a time. Sit on a bench and have the arm holding the dumbbell rest against the leg. The arm should be hanging down and relaxed. Proceed to curl the dumbbell in a slow and controlled motion.
4. Hammer Strength Curls: This exercise is performed much like a standing dumbbell curl. The difference in this exercise is you will hold the dumbbells with the palms in.
5. Preacher Curls: Use a preacher bench to rest the arms on the padding. Your chest will press up against the padding as you curl the weight. Use a straight bar or an EZ bar.
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Monday, December 20, 2010

The Three Most Effective Exercises To Tone The Inner Thighs And The Hamstrings

The 3 best exercises to tone inner thighs and hamstrings:

* Lunges: Begin in a shoulder width stance and proceed by taking one step with either foot. The leg should make a 90-degree angle at the knee when the foot is forward.
* Squats: Begin with a shoulder width stance and lower your body as if you were going to sit in a chair. When the hips are parallel to the floor come back up. Do not lower your body further as it can put unnecessary stress in the knees and lower back.
* Deadlifts: Deadlifts are very good when trying to tone the lower body muscles. Grab the weight at shin level and lower your body at the knees. Use the strength in your lower legs to lift the weight. Look forward and come up explosively without arching your back either at the bottom or throughout the motion.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Do Sprinting To Build Leg Muscles

If you want to use sprinting in developing leg muscles all you really need to do is do sprints twice per week leaving 48- 72 hours between workouts. Just do a one-minute run followed by a 2-minute rest.

First Sprint: Run for one minute at 70 percent of your maximum speed
Second Sprint: Run for one minute at 80 percent of your maximum speed
Third Sprint: Run for one minute at 90 percent of your maximum speed
Fourth Sprint: Run for one minute at 80 percent of your maximum speed
Fifth Sprint: Run for one minute at 70 percent of your maximum speed

It should only take you 15 minutes but can be extended for up to 20 minutes by adding two more sprints. Although this workout will add muscle to your legs it will also burn fat and you will look lean.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Is There Such A Thing As Muscle Confusion Workouts? How Effective Are They?

If you want to see progress in the gym the principle of muscle confusion will help you overcome plateaus. It is not a complicated or new concept.

In order for muscle to see gains and make constant and consistent progress you have to shock the muscles. If you are looking for ways to shock or "confuse" your muscles here are some ways.

* Add some weight to each exercise with each workout: I am not saying you have to double the weight but simply adding 5 pounds will work wonders.
* Use a new piece of equipment: this is one of the hardest things to change. Perhaps you have been doing bench presses because you have heard it is the best for chest development. Simply make an adjustment and use dumbbells instead of a barbell or a machine to confuse your body.
* Change the order of your exercises: if you always start with flat bench presses followed by incline and then decline try doing it in reverse order to switch it up. Do this with all muscle groups once in a while.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Best Way To Burn Belly Fat

In order to reduce your fat content you have to do a couple of things. First thing to do is increase your metabolism. The second thing to do is clean up your diet.

The most effective way to increase your metabolism is by doing high intensity exercise. The first thing to do in order to burn fat is doing cardiovascular exercise. Although this is a good way it will take a while to burn the fat. In fact, in order to reduce fat substantially it would take an average of running 10 miles a day on average.

The second thing to do is to clean up your diet. This is the hardest part for most people to achieve. Doing diets is one of the worst ways to try and get a lean body. When we restrict or reduce calories or skip meals our bodies slow down their metabolism and will hold on to more fat. Do this for days, weeks or months on end and you will stay soft and flabby.

My recommendation is to eat foods low in fat and low in sugar. By eating a balanced meal in carbs, proteins and small quantities of fat you will be one step ahead. . If you simply eliminate this one unhealthy item from your diet you will see the fat start to come off.

If you are looking for the best way to burn belly fat just start by making one small adjustment in your eating habits and include a good weight training plan with 20- 30 minutes of cardio. In a few weeks you will see a significant difference.

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