Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Get Bigger Biceps With These Easy Exercises

If you have been looking for the best biceps exercises here they are:
1. Standing EZ Bar Curls: Grab an EZ bar and hold it with both hands using a palm up grip. Begin with your arms relaxed and extended down. I recommend a shoulder width grip rather than a narrow grip. Bring the arms up slowly and down slowly.
2. Incline Bench Dumbbell Curls: Sit on an incline bench slightly angled from an upright position. Grab a pair of dumbbells and let your arms hang straight down. Perform a biceps curl either one at a time or with both arms at the same time. Squeeze the muscle at the top and lower the weight slowly.
3. Concentration Curls: This exercise is done using one dumbbell at a time. Sit on a bench and have the arm holding the dumbbell rest against the leg. The arm should be hanging down and relaxed. Proceed to curl the dumbbell in a slow and controlled motion.
4. Hammer Strength Curls: This exercise is performed much like a standing dumbbell curl. The difference in this exercise is you will hold the dumbbells with the palms in.
5. Preacher Curls: Use a preacher bench to rest the arms on the padding. Your chest will press up against the padding as you curl the weight. Use a straight bar or an EZ bar.
For more free fitness tips go to www.looklikeanathlete.com

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